Gilead Tadmor

BWV 198

My drawing builds on my deep connection with, and love of J. S. Bach's music: If there is heavenly music, Bach's is surely part of it. Though formally a secular cantata, BWV 198 was written as a funeral ode to a dead princess. As such it expresses yearnings that touch on the divine.  The subject of heavenly beings arises naturally in this context. Since none has been widely observed, as of late, I am very fond of the freedom afforded by their depiction, intertwining love and a dash of humor. The idea of heavenly beings playing divine music is as old as documented human history. I am particularly fond of, and inspired by such depictions by the late Jewish American painter, Ben Shahn. One that I loved as a child was of an angel playing an organ, which appeared on the jacket of a record of Bach's organ music played by Albert Schweitzer. My drawing is thus also a modest tribute to the great Ben Shahn.


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