Heinrich Schütz
Supereminet omnem scientiam,
o bone Jesu, tua magna caritas
quam ostendisti nobis indignis
pro sola bonitate et pietate tua,
humanam et enim non angelicam
suscipiens naturam et eam stola
immortalitatis glorificans.
Far above all the knowledge of all humanity,
O gentle Jesus, is the great love
which you have shown us,
although we are unworthy;
through your goodness and piety alone
you took on human nature,
not angelic nature,
glorifying it with the mantle of immortality.
Vexisti super omnes coelos,
super omnes choros angelorum,
super Cherubim, super Seraphim
ad dexteram patris.
Te laudant angeli,
adorant dominationes
et omnes virtutes coelorum tremunt super se
et super hominem Deum.
You are exalted above all the heavens,
over all the holy angel chorus,
over Cherubim, over Seraphim
at the right hand of the Father.
The angels praise you,
the dominions worship you,
and all the virtues of heaven tremble before you,
God over them and all humanity.
Pro hoc magno mysterio pietatis
benedico et glorifico nomen sanctum tuum,
Rex Christe, fili Mariae, fili Dei viventis.
Tibi sit honor et gloria cum patre
et sancto spiritu in sempiterna saecula.
For this great mystery of devotion
I bless and glorify your holy name,
Ruler Christ, son of Mary, son of the living God.
Honor and glory be to you with the Father
and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
Meditations of St. Augustine
©Pamela Dellal