Johann Hermann Schein
Nu danket alle Gott,
Der große Ding tut an allen Enden;
Der uns von Mutterleibe an
Lebendig erhält und tut uns alles Guts.
Ergebe uns ein fröhliches Herz,
Und verleihe immerdar
Friede zu unsrer Zeit in Israel,
Und daß seine Gnade stets bei uns bleib,
Und erlöse uns, so lange wir leben.
Now let everyone thank God,
Who does great things to all ends;
Who for us, from our mother's wombs,
Has sustained us in life and done good things for us.
that he might give us a joyful heart,
And might continually grant
Peace in our time in Israel,
So that his grace may always be with us,
And redeem us, as long as we live.
"Nun danket alle Gott," Martin Rinckart 1636 (based on Ecclesiasticus 50:22-24)
©Pamela Dellal